class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Regime Shifts in R & Data Science within the BC Public Service ] .subtitle[ ## Observations from the field ] .author[ ### Stephanie Hazlitt ] .date[ ### 2021-06-05 ] --- class: clear, no-number ## BC Public Service 🇨🇦 <hr> .wide-right[ <img src="graphics/prod/figsunnamed-chunk-1-1.png" alt="Map showing the boundaries of the province of British Columbia and Washington and Oregon states" /> ] .pull-left[ <img src="images/parsa-mivehchi-rmHcG8mDtz0-unsplash.jpg" alt="Image of British Columbia's Parliament House building located in Victoria, B.C. sourced from Unsplash" style="max-width:100%; padding: 50px 0px 0px 70px;"/> ] --- class: clear, no-number ## @stephhazlitt <hr> .wide-left[ ```r ## Steph's Path "Bird Biologist" %>% "Research Scientist" %>% "Conservation Specialist" %>% "Environmental Reporting" %>% # R "Senior Data Scientist" ``` ] <img src="images/slh_avatar.jpg" alt="Image of a Black Oystercatcher with coloured leg bands" style="max-width:25%; padding: 30px 50px 0px 0px;"/> --- class: clear, no-number ## Growth in the Use of R in the BC Public Service <hr> <img src="graphics/prod/figsunnamed-chunk-3-1.png" alt="Plot of significant milestones, shown with text labelling, in the use of R in the BC Public Service 2012 to 2021" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: clear, no-number ## Regime Shifts in Natural Ecosystems <hr> .Large.pull-left[ - Large changes in the structure & function of a system - Shifts: a smooth internal change in a process _or_ an external disturbance triggering a change .footnote[] ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/mana5280-axqTLZ12Jss-unsplash.jpg" alt="Image of a Sea Otter sourced from Unsplash" style="max-width:50%; padding: 0px 20px 130px 0px;"/><img src="" alt="Map of Cascadia bioregion and Pacific Northwest provinces and states sourced from Wikipedia" style="max-width:45%;"/>.teeny[Map: Lauren Tierney CC BY-SA 4.0] ] --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Internal Change: Building a Learning Community <hr> <img src="images/Rcourse2014.jpg" alt="Picture of BC Public Service first in-house R training workshop" style="max-width:50%;"/> --- class: clear, no-number ## Learning from Other Communities <hr> .right-column[.center[ <img src="graphics/prod/figsunnamed-chunk-4-1.png" alt="Tweet by @stephhazlitt Excited about attending Software Carpentry bootcamp from March 2014" /> ]] .left-column[ <img src="" alt="The Carpentries hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:85%; padding: 20px 0px 0px 10px;"/><img src="" alt="rOpenSci hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:90%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 90px;"/> ] --- class: clear, no-number ## Disturbance: bcgov GitHub 🎉 <hr> .center[ <img src="images/bcgov-github-2015.png" alt="bcgov GitHub web page screen shot from 2015" style="max-width:80%;"/> ] .footnote[https<nolink>:// (2015)] --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Open Learning Content <hr> <img src="images/bcgov-github-ds-resources.png" alt="bcgov GitHub bcgov-data-science-resources readme web page screen shot" style="max-width:70%;"/> .pull-right[ .footnote[]] --- class: clear, no-number ## Helping Became Easier <hr> .pull-left[ <img src="images/slh-helpme-gist.png" alt="GitHub Gist web page example screen shot" style="max-width:150%;"/> ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/code-together_Feb2020.jpeg" alt="Picture of BC Public Service code together meet-up" style="max-width:80%; padding: 150px 0px 0px 120px;"/> ] .footnote[] --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Open Code 🚀 <hr> ✂️ & 📋 -> Collaborations -> Contributions -> Code Reviews <img src="images/bcgov-github-landing-2021.png" alt="bcgov GitHub web page screen shot from 2021" style="max-width:58%;"/> .pull-right[.footnote[]] --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Growth in the Use of R & GitHub in the BC Public Service <hr> <img src="graphics/prod/figsunnamed-chunk-5-1.png" alt="Plot showing the cumulative number of repositories in bcgov GitHub by top language used 2015 to 2021" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Current State: bcgov R Open Source <hr> <img src="" alt="bcdata R package hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:12%;"/> <img src="" alt="fasstr R package hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:100%;"/> <img src="" alt="ssdtools R package hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:100%;"/> <img src="" alt="elucidate R package hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:11%;"/> <img src="" alt="bcgovr R package hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:100%;"/> <img src="" alt="bcmaps R package hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:11%;"/> <img src="" alt="tidyhydat R package hexagon-shapedlogo" style="max-width:11%;"/> <img src="images/env-shiny-example.png" alt="Screen shot of bcgov R Shiny App showing municipal solid waste disposal rates across British Columbia" style="max-width:40%; padding: 0px 50px 0px 0px;"/> <img src="images/bcstats-shiny-example.png" alt="Screen shot of bcgov R Shiny App showing economic indicators for British Columbia" style="max-width:45%; padding: 0px 0px 20px 0px;"/> --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Current State: bcgov Data Science Community of Practice <hr> <img src="images/cop-logo.png" alt="bcgov Data Science Community of Practice logo sticker" style="max-width:50%;"/> <img src="" alt="Git software logo" style="max-width:12%; padding: 0px 15px 10px 100px;"/><img src="" alt="R Project for Statistical Computing logo" style="max-width:8%; padding: 0px 15px 10px 0px;"/><img src="" alt="Python logo" style="max-width:20%"/> --- class: clear, no-number ## Current State: R Learning in the BCPS <hr> .pull-left[ - getting started - geospatial - big data - reproducibility - bridging workflows 🌉 ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/ds-cop-poster.png" alt="bcgov Data Science Community of Practice logo sticker" style="max-width:100%;"/> .footnote[bcgov Data Science CoP webinar poster, May 19th 2021 ]] --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Observation: People <hr> .pull-left[ <img src="" alt="Picture of bcgov Data Science Community members interacting on a video call" style="max-width:100%; padding: 50px 0px 0px 50px;"/> ] .pull-right[ <img src="" alt="" style="max-width:40%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"/><img src="" alt="" style="max-width:50%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"/> <img src="" alt="" style="max-width:25%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"/><img src="" alt="" style="max-width:25%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"/> <img src="" alt="" style="max-width:70%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"/> ] --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Observation: Trust <hr> <img src="graphics/prod/figsunnamed-chunk-6-1.png" alt="Image of a tweet by @stephhazlitt quoting a speaker saying go at the speed of trust from October 2019" /> --- class: clear, no-number ## Future State? <hr> .left-med[ ```r R_growth <- "regime shifts?" ``` - non-linear - many stable states - expected to increase <!-- --> ] .right-med[ <img src="images/matthew-bargh-sXb-Yf7GGs8-unsplash.jpg" style="max-width:100%;" alt="Picture of Columbia-Shuswap Ecosystem, British Columbia, Canada"/> ] --- class: clear, no-number, center ## Cascadia R Conf 2021: Infectious Ideas <hr> "Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe" – Dr. Bonnie Henry 🇨🇦 <img src="images/cascadiaR_hex_2021.png" alt="CascadiaRConf2021" alt="CascadiaRConf2021 hexagon-shaped logo" style="max-width:20%; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"/> @stephhazlitt on Twitter & GitHub